Reggie Marra is the author, most recently, of Healing America's Narratives: The Feminine, the Masculine, & Our Collective National Shadow (nonfiction, October 2022), Enough with the Talking Points (nonfiction, 2020), Killing America (poetry, 2018), and And Now, Still (poetry, 2016). He is a cofounder, along with Kent Frazier, of Fully Human at Work—a 21st-Century Imperative. In addition to writing, he delivers his gifts to the world as a professional coach, a teaching poet, and a workshop facilitator. In the distant past Reggie spent twenty-one years as a classroom teacher, administrator, and basketball coach in secondary and higher education.

Medium member since April 2021
Reggie Marra

Reggie Marra

Reggie is the author of Healing America’s Narratives (Oct. 2022) and cofounder of Fully Human. |